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OBSCURE#BAT Malware Uses Fake CAPTCHA Pages to Deploy Rootkit r77 and Evade Detection

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​A new malware campaign has been observed leveraging social engineering tactics to deliver an open-source rootkit called r77.
The activity, condemned OBSCURE#BAT by Securonix, enables threat actors to establish persistence and evade detection on compromised systems. It’s currently not known who is behind the campaign.
The rootkit “has the ability to cloak or mask any file, registry key or task A new malware campaign has been observed leveraging social engineering tactics to deliver an open-source rootkit called r77.
The activity, condemned OBSCURE#BAT by Securonix, enables threat actors to establish persistence and evade detection on compromised systems. It’s currently not known who is behind the campaign.
The rootkit “has the ability to cloak or mask any file, registry key or task  The Hacker News

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